Invisalign Average Cost

Invisalign Average CostThe Invisalign average cost is similar to the cost of braces, which makes them an even more attractive option to the many patients who prefer them. Invisalign is an orthodontic system that works similarly to braces but uses plastic aligners instead of metal brackets and wires. Teeth are gradually shifted into position over the course of treatment, which can take from six months to 24 months based on the extent of your orthodontic problem.

Patients use a set of custom-fit aligners that fit closely to their natural teeth. Every two weeks, patients move to the next aligners in the series. This reduces their chair time and the need to have regular orthodontic appointments. You can even take the aligners out so that you can eat and drink whatever you want. The removable nature of the aligners also makes it easier to keep teeth clean and healthy since no special tools are needed.

Each new aligner is designed to work on specific teeth, so you will see results every time you replace your aligners. The smooth design makes them comfortable to use while the clear nature of the aligners means that you can keep smiling from your treatment’s start to finish. The Invisalign average cost is based on the number of aligners you need to complete your treatment plan and other factors.

Because every patient has unique needs, we accept a variety of payment options. Our Invisalign average cost may be partially or fully covered by your dental insurance if your insurance plan covers orthodontic treatments. If your employer offers a flexible spending account or health savings account, you may be able to use pre-tax dollars to cover part of the treatment cost. You may even be eligible for flexible financing plans that allow you to make convenient, affordable payments.

Invisalign offers you a comfortable, easy, attractive way to straighten your teeth and get the smile of your dreams. We can help you learn more about our Invisalign average cost and answer all of your treatment questions. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with our Huntington Beach Invisalign provider.

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